Top Time Traveling Events Claimed By People

“The distinction between the past, present and future is only an illusion, however persistent.” –Albert Einstein

Many of the physicists are being forced to admit that time travel is may be possible, including Stephen Hawking. But has it’s already happens?

These people say it has.

Visit To Mars With Barack Obama

According to Seattle attorney Andrew Basiago when he was a child, William Stillings and he was chrononauts in a secret United States time travel program called Project Pegasus. The purpose of this program was to protect Earth from space threats, to acclimate animals and Martian humanoids to our presence and to establish territorial sovereignty over Mars.

The best part of Stillings and Basiago claim, is that one of their time travelers was a 19 year old Barack Obama. In 1980 ten youths including them from Mars Training Class at a collage of California of Siskiyous traveled to Mas in a top secret teleportation jump room modeled on technical paper found in a Nikola Tesla’s apartment after his death. They jumped through a field which is full of radiant energy into a tunnel, and when this tunnel closes they found themselves at their destination which is Mars.

Otherwise The White House has denied that Barach Obama ever went to Mars.

American Solider From Future

In late 2000, many posts began appearing on Internet, someone claiming that he is an American Soldier from year 2036. John Titor claims that there would be Russian nuclear strikes in a year 2015 which would almost kill three billion people worldwide.

John Titor’s posts were ceased in 2001, but Titor mania continued. In the year 2003 bound edition was released which is based on 151 message board posts called John Titor- A Time Traveler’s Tale. No longer in print though.

Personal Photograph Of Christ

Father Pellegrino Ernetti was a monk at Benedictine, he claimed that he was a co-inventor of a device which looked like a television but it could tune into events from the past.

According to him, he had observed Christ’s crucifixion and the last supper, as well as Cicero and Napoleon. He claimed that the team who invented the device voluntarily dismantled it, because if this device goes into the wrong hands, it could create the most fearsome dictatorship that the World had never seen.

When he was pressed to show the evidence, he creates a picture of Christ on a Cross. After noticed that the photo was closely resemble with the photo of carving by Cullot Valera, However, Father Pellegrino Ernetti was forced to admit that the photo was fake.

The Pilot Who Entered A Parallel Dimension

In 1935, Sir Victor Goddard, wing commander of Britain’s Royal Air Force, on weekend leave Sir Victor Goddard flew his open cockpit bi-plane from Scotland to England. On the way, he passed through Drem Airfield near Edinburgh, Which was constructed during World War I, where he ran into a storm and lost control of his plane. When he finally take back controls from downward spiral that could be resulted in his death, because he was just few feet above a stony beach.

As Sir Victor Goddard flew through the rain and fog, the whole sky suddenly filled with shiny sunlight. Dream Airfield was below him, only farms had disappeared. There were stood four bright yellow planes at the end of the restored tarmac. These planes were surrounded by a mechanics in blue overalls, notable to Sir Victor Goddard since RAF mechanics only ever were brown.

Had Sir Victor Goddard traveled forward in time? or considered one of the founder of RAF mechanics? Sir Victor Goddard died in the year 1987, so he had to return from the past to tell us the truth otherwise we will remain confuse.

Future Self Of Håkan Nordkvist

On August 30, 2006, a 36 year old Håkan Nordkvist come home and find out that water is pooling on his kitchen floor, Assuming that it may be a leak, he gathered his tools try to fix it, but he couldn’t reach the pipes. According to him “I had to crawl inside the cabinet, and as I did so, I discovered that it just continued. So I kept on crawling further and further into the cabinet. In the end of the tunnel I saw a light, and when I got there, I realized I was in the future.”

In the year 2042, this is where or rather when Håkan Nordkvist met his 72 year old self. According to him, the future self of him known things that he could only know. These two also had a same tattoo on their selves, however, the future Håkan Nordkvist was little faded. The men who is posing for a selfie on the younger Håkan Nordkvist’s phone.

So what you thing, is these events are real or fake? Please Comment.