The 6 Most Creepiest Websites on the Internet

1. White Enamel : A horrifying walk through a psychiatric hospital

White Enamel is a horrifying online game where you point out your way around some haunted insane asylum. Basically more like a horror Hollywood movie than a game. The horrifying and creepy sound track of an old man singing at some abandoned location will haunt you in White Enamel. This site is a bad location for those who get easily scared.

2. Plane Crash Info: Last Words and Audio of Crashed Plane Pilots

Plane Crash Info gives you all the information about accidents like stats, reports, images, maps, and the last words said by plane crash victims. Want to read the transcript from any crash flight cockpit? Of course not! This creepy website has that and more, as you may listen what the last words of people in mp3.

3. Death Date: This Site Will Tell You When You are Going to Die

Death Date will ask you some questions, “So do you wants to know when you are going to dei?” Then put some data about your self in the form of death date and learn your approximate death date. Based on your weight,  height, gender, birthday, and stimulants you ingest like drugs, alcohol and cigarettes, this site calculate the date and day when you are going to die.

4. Death Row Information:  Real-Time Information of Death Row Inmate’s Last Words

Death Row Information has information about things that you never wants to know from the department of Criminal Justice in Texas. The site has information about the next execution date on the calender, and information about people currently on Death Row.

5. Bongcheon-Dong Ghost: Online Comic  Site that Scare the sh*t out of you

Boncheon-Dong Ghost is a online comic site that is more then a comical. In fact, it is extremely disturbing. Thats why Boncheon-Dong Ghost comes with a warning message.

6. Death Map: Real Time Catalogs of the World’s Death

Death Map It has a real time statistical simulation of all the people dying and being born. On a map, red dots pop up shows the deaths and green pop up dots show the births.

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